拿督何子孟: 行管令延长影响经济 ‧ 茶室业者盼店主减租

拿督何子孟 : 我们总会已向 国家经济行动理事会 ,提出两个建议/要求 :
(1) 希望 理事会能向私人界/店主要求减低租业的租金 因为行管令大大打击会员的经济来源
(2)指示银行界给于会员免息 使饮食业有足够资金来应付目前的经济困境否则将会让会员关门大吉,更重要也使国家经济能继续运作。
总会长拿督何子孟 ,今日下午受星洲日报记者电访时指出,他于近期内频接到各地会员, 尤其是 在大城市经营咖啡店的会员的来电反映,纷纷传达高昂的租金问题,造成他们在行动管制令期间所面对之困境,雪上加霜。盼获银行免息贷款,除此之外,他说,该会亦向国家经济行动理事会反映,盼能协助向所有银行建议,给予该会会员同业申请免息贷款.他表示,该会会员的资金不多,而今行动管制令又延长至4月14日,会员们的打击更大,生意猛挫50%,甚至有些会员已暂停营业。为此,他希望国家经济行动理事会能够谅解该会超过2万名会员的困境,能向店主和银业提出上述两项建议。

We, MSCSPGA, sent in two proposals to Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi: (1) Propose that MTE suggests to the private sector/ landlords to reduce the rental by 20% to 50% because MCO has greatly affected our economy & our members’ income .The impact is too great for our members.
(2) Propose that MTE suggests or issues a moratorium to the Banks to give interest-free loan to members so that members have enough cash flow to rough out this economic down-turn due to MCO or whatever methods they think fit to assist our members. We MSCSPGA gives full support to whatever decision taken by the Govt during this bad time because national health supercedes whatever.