吉隆坡:中国已向马来西亚提供了医疗援助,以帮助抵抗该县正在进行的Covid-19疫情。 中国驻马来西亚大使馆今天在其Facebook页面上分享了抵达马来西亚的医疗物品的照片。 “行动刻不容缓。来自中国的第一批医疗材料正在运往双溪毛糯医院。” 在卡车运到医院的医疗救助箱上可以看到一个标有两国国旗的标语,上面写着“ Berat Sama Dipikul,Ringan Sama Dijinjing”。 此举赢得了许多Facebook用户的称赞和感谢。 林·莱利说; “感谢中国向马来西亚提供医疗材料。大加加油。” 杰克·林说; “即使您的人民,特别是所有前线人员都经历了如此艰辛的努力,也感谢中国的同情。 “我们可以共同强大起来,克服这种Covid-19病毒.此前,中国曾将其专家和数吨的医疗援助运往意大利,以协助该国应对疫情。
KUALA LUMPUR: China has sent medical aid to Malaysia, to help fight the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak in the county.The Chinese Embassy in Malaysia on its Facebook page today shared photos of medical items arriving in Malaysia.Action without delay. The first batch of medical materials from China is on the way to Sungai Buloh Hospital,” the post said.A sticker bearing the flags of the two nations with the words ‘Berat Sama Dipikul, Ringan Sama Dijinjing’ could be seen on the medical aid boxes transported by lorry to the hospital.The move earned praises and expressions of gratitude from many Facebook users.Lam Laylee said; “Thank you China for providing Malaysia the medical materials. Da jia jia you.Jack Lim said; “Thank you China for your compassion even when your peoples had gone through so much hardship especially all the frontline personnel.Together we can be stronger to overcome this Covid-19 virus. JiaYou.Previously, China had flown its experts and tonnes of medical aid to Italy, to assist the country fight the outbreak.