我在光华日报(video)所淡的也是我们总会向国家经济行动理事会所提呈的建议来援助我们咖啡茶餐室 是三金:- (1)租金 (2)资金 (3)薪金 来让我们会员能度过经济难关。 1。租金 政府呼吁私人界 免租 或 减租。政府给于税务折扣 但减租要超过30% 2。资金 政府给于免息贷款 3。 薪金 工人 1到75人 政府给于 每个工人可以得到RM1200补贴 (条件: 不能裁员长达六个月) 。这”三金” 都实现在首相昨天所宣布的振兴配套里。 我们希望这”三金” 能帮助到我们所有的会员。

We, MSCSPGA, have since the start of MCO been worried that the effect of the pandemic and MCO will be too much for our members throughout the country.Therefore, we put up 3 suggestions to the Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi and we jointly came up with SMEs other suggestions in order to urge the Govt to help us SME industries including our coffeeshop & eatery industry throughout the nation.The 3 suggestions that we put up are: 1. Members’ rental problem. Govt to urge private sector to reduce or waive rental by giving tax incentives. (2) Limitation of members’ cash flow. Govt to direct banks to give interest-free loan to members up to RM 10000/= to help bail out the industry (3)1 to 75 workers. Every worker can get a sum of RM1200/= as subsidy (with the condition that the employer does not retrench workers for a period of 6 months). All these 3 suggestions have all been accepted and included in yesterday’s (6/4/2020) Prime Minister’s announcement of Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package. We welcome this announcement. On behalf of MSCSPGA I would like to thank the PM & the Govt for their help. We are sure our F&D industry will carry on to be relevant economically & help the country to build up our economy again when the sea is calm.