总会长拿督何子孟:自从管制令从三月十八日开始, 我们咖啡饮食业都是以半开放式,以打包方式来提供服务。 生意至今跌90% 还有60%到70%会员都不做生意。所以大大打击我们的咖啡领域。令我们感到非常遗憾的是联我们所卖的一些货源都中断, 好像香烟 等。广大的顾客 都买不到 合法香烟.随着网络的先进, 地下香烟都能通过网络购物 或是通过外送服务 来买非法香烟, 进一步打击我行业. 一路来非法香烟都非常猖獗。在管制令实行之下 非法香烟跟加的严重。超过65% 的香烟都是非法的.我们咖啡行业损失不算是什么, 是小事。 国家国库才是重要。 根据Eromonitor, 国家损失在这段管制令时间可达到十亿令吉烟草税收。如果在延长 下去也可能高大二三十亿令吉损失.我们都希望政府能严厉看待这个问题,严厉执法来打击非法香烟活动 同时 放松条例以便在管制令实行的期间也能让合法香烟被送到的我们零售业。
President Dato’ Ho Su Mong says: Retailers like coffee shops cannot get any supply of legal cigerettes from the cigarette companies during MCO period. So customers find ways to purchase even illicit cigarettes. From what we understand smokers can buy illicit cigarettes on-line, cheap and can be delivered to the door steps.
According to survey especially Eromonitor, the Govt is losing one billion ringgit in tobacco tax during MCO period. If the MCO further extends, the loss of tobacco tax may come up to 2 or 3 billion ringgit. It is a big loss for the country especially when our economy is rather bad now. So we sincerely hope our Govt takes a very serious view on this matter.