拿督何子孟传达有关建议, 拿督何子孟 给Star News记者的采访是:
(1) 对人民 是一个综合的配套。 各阶层人民都有份从OKU, 低收入单身B40者 , 4000令吉以上到8000令吉,都有钱拿。免费internet, 电话费有折扣 等
(2) 对中小型企业包括我们咖啡茶餐室 ,我们希望首相所宣布的45亿给于中小型企业 也包括了我们 那是微型(免息)贷款。
(3) 对于六个月免租金是有关政府的建筑物 但我们希望私人界 也能够跟着政府的榜样, 让租业也能享有同样的优惠 否则如果业者挺不住,没人租, 屋主也没屋租得收。
英文版: The stimulus package is a comprehensive one where rakyat is concerned.
(1) People of all categories from OKU, students, singles with 2 thousand ringgit income or so to B40 group to those people whose income is from RM4 thousand to RM8 thousand will get cash subsidy. Free internet, telephone bill discount etc.
(2) 4.5 billion for SMEs, micro credit, special relief facility, we hope it goes to include what we have submitted to the Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi, that is, free interest loan to small businesses
(3) Exemption 6 month rental for those Govt buildings. We hope the private sectors will follow the trend set by the Govt so as to help out small businesses in time of difficulties otherwise if our members close shops, the landlords will have no rental to collect. We hope the private sectors understand our problems and take initiative to shoulder part of it.
Retailers and coffeeshop owners want help with rent(From:The Star)
PETALING JAYA: While retailers and coffeeshops have lauded the government’s stimulus package, they say they still need a bigger leg up to keep businesses afloat, especially in terms of rental costs.
Malaysia Retail Chain Association president Datuk Seri Garry Chua said the overall amount of the stimulus package was “impressive”, but businesses would still be struggling with their cash flow.
“It is good that businesses do not have to pay the Human Resources Development Fund levy and have the option to restructure Employees Provident Fund contributions.
“However, we have the movement control order (MCO) period from March to April. How do we still pay out salaries?
“Rental costs are also a killer. Not all shopping malls are giving rebates during the MCO period. I think about 50% of retailers would not be able to afford the rent,” he said.
Malaysia-Singapore Coffeeshop Proprietors’ General Association president Datuk Ho Su Mong said it was a comprehensive stimulus package for people of all backgrounds.
However, he said rent should also be exempted for buildings owned by the private sector, just like how premises owned by the government have a six-month rental waiver.
“We hope the private sector can be included or will follow the example set by the government to give a six-month exemption of rental,” he said.
“This would help small and medium enterprises survive during this bad time, otherwise many will have to close shop.”
Ho also welcomed the earlier announcement that there would be a six-month moratorium on loans, especially to ease the burden of individuals and small businesses.
TAGS / KEYWORDS:Retailers , Coffeeshops , Rental Costs