

在四月27日(星期一)备忘录中,马来西亚-新加坡咖啡店东主总会(mscspga)与信给国际贸易和工业部(miti), 呼呼咖啡店经营者以”一位顾客一张桌子。
该协会向高级部长datuk seri mohamed azmin ali解释说一个客户一张桌子”的原则是根据社会距高条例,但导一个人用餐(或至多两个人)用餐.

In a memo dated April 27(ON Monday), the Malaysia-Singapore Coffeeshop Proprietors’ General Association (MSCSPGA) writes to the International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI) to appeal for coffeeshop operators to open their shops on the basis of ‘One Table for One Customer’. Addressed to senior minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, the association explains that the principle of ‘One Table for One Customer’ is to advocate a table for one person to dine in (or at the most for two) in compliance with the social distancing regulation. MSCSPGA represents approximately 20,000 members of coffeeshop operators in Malaysia.

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