(photo credit by the Star / ANN)

Coffee shops can operate, but only for takeaways

PETALING JAYA: Coffee shops will not be allowing customers to dine in but will remain partially open for takeaways, says the Malaysia Singapore Coffeeshop Proprietors’ General Association.
Its president Datuk Ho Su Mong said he had called up the National Operations Management Centre set up by the authorities on the matter.
“We have called them up and asked them to clarify this matter for the coffee shops.
“We are allowed to operate coffee shops partially, and we can allow customers to tapau (take away), but we cannot allow them to dine in or sit together and catch up with old friends.
“So coffee shops are allowed to open partially for business but not openly in order to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, ” he said on Tuesday (March 17).
He said while some of his members in bigger cities engaged in food delivery services to send food to customers, coffee shops in smaller towns would be encouraging customers to take away food.
According to Ho, some of the members were opting to close shop for two weeks.
“Some members have expressed concerns at having to turn away customers who may get angry and not return to their coffee shop again. They said it’s better to just close shop for the whole two weeks, ” he said.